“The siege site has seen many
different faces, objects, and more importantly; changes. At the Kelly
Gang Commerative Dinner hosted some protestors, all donned up with
flower pots for helmets, and cardboard signs from old Retravision
store boxes” |
The siege site; a magnificent site, which in the end, led t o
the sad death of Joe Byrne. The siege also ended in the capture of the
leader, Ned Kelly.
On a usual cold and frosty morning, taking a walk around the sites,
urged me to make a special page, based upon the events of the siege,
and basically what remains there to this very day.
“...I urge you to take a look at this ground, imagine, what happened
here, sure, sure it's the place where Ned Kelly and the gang had the
last battle and sure, they lost it, but just imagine what happened
The siege site has
seen many different faces, objects, and more importantly; changes. At
the Kelly Gang Commerative Dinner hosted some protestors, all donned
up with flower pots for helmets, and cardboard signs from old
Retravision store boxes .
The Glenrowan Improvers, who have
done a fantastic job in rebuilding the siege site, have installed
“Pole Men” which make up, the Kellys, the police, and also the
bystanders! they really make a difference.
On the Siege site is
a small marker, where a pistol was found on the 11th of March 1997,
the tree, in which the pistol was found at the base of, was only a
very small shrub during the siege of Glenrowan. Now days, the tree, or
should I say shrub in the siege day, is now a huge old gum.
The Railway
station has been rebuilt to almost it's original state. This is where
Joe's stiffened c orpse
was taken after he was shot and
killed about 12 hours previous. Also Ned himself laid on this site of
the railway station after being captured.
Also, quite
amazingly, the sign for the Glenrowan station, as it was in 1880 has
been fully restored and looks
absolutely amazing, even as travellers whiz by in the trains, they
can still say they are passing by the township of Glenrowan.
Glenrowan is
very much battle scared today as it was in 1880. Many stores, food
outlets and even movable dummies have been brought to the small “stop
over” township of Glenrowan, all in the name of the Kelly Gang.
Isn't it amazing what four men can do?
The Ann Jones Inn
site is absolutely fantastic, the Improvers have placed an exact
replica of the sign, which hence lay on the exact site it is now.
“The above signboard is a replica of
the original which was erected here in 1874. The front Verandah of
the Inn to which police laid siege on June 28th 1880 extended
westward from this place to the corner of Siege street and
Beaconsfield parade” - The Glenrowan Inn signboard.
The siege of
Glenrowan only lasted twelve and a half hours, but the legacy of it
will last forever. So if you pass through the north east, or in at
Glenrowan, stick around a while, and you may just be surprised!
gang centenary dinner, to commemorate the siege at Glenrowan 122
years previous. I attended this dinner which I must say was very
good, I will guide you through the events which took place at this
very special event.
At 7pm I arrived
at the door, waiting there, it was a cool night, the cool breeze
was lovely, as we (Rod and Chris Gerrett
& Myself) shuffled in through the door,
and we yacking in each others ear for the passing of the next few
minutes, me and Ian Jones had a quick chat, then the main event
of the evening had arrived on hors e
back, Joe's Armour was been ridden into the famous battle site of
the police and the gang, I thought I seen a few tears roll down
some eyes once or twice during
the night. As the armour was carefully taken from the horse, it
was walked through the mounting crowd, and was set up inside, the
excitement of getting into the next room was un bearable, eventually
we moved onto into the next room, we were seated, and all began
All focus was on
the armour, everyone seemed to be hovering around it, I waited until
everyone cleared, and I got my look, and I was moved inside, I took
notes in my mind of how it looked, and eventually, I sat down and
waited for the tucker.
But I couldn't keep
still in my seat; I wanted to touch the armour, but I must admit,
the security guards there did do a good job. One bloke got a "
Feel " of the outlaw armour, but was quickly, " Sent in
right path " if you get my drift......
Along came the food;
but I wasn't too concerned about filling my stomach, I still wanted
too touch that armour, as I glared at it from my seat, I couldn't
believe it was actually here, at the famous siege site, were I thought
it would never return.
A few speeches were
made, funding for the Kelly Tourism in Glenrowan, and, also that
this event will be a yearly event,
which is great news, Joe Online will keep you posted when the next
one is almost looming.
I walked outside
to view the peaceful and my personal favourite site of the Kelly
gang. More speeches came, and then, Ian Jones took the microphone
and blasted us with his Kelly expertise.
His speech was amazing,
moving and spectacular, I recorded his speech on my hand held recorded,
and listen to it very often. Some of the highlight's were:
arrived to see his best mate, Joe
Byrne killed...”
I was
moved, after Ian's talk, Ashley Davies
lit us up in lights with his new Ned Kelly
cd, and the Last Stand track, also made me withdraw the
Handkerchief again. The last stand moved me again, and it was so
good, being at the siege site listening to the sounds of the Last
Stand. I felt for Joe then...
As the
night rolled on, the music from the sheds filled the coldness of
the Kelly Country breeze, and me and Ian began to talk about the
site of Ned's capture. Eventually, the night had ended, I watched
as the armour was packed away, and we were off talking we were the
last to leave, and, enjoying the night thoroughly, I went around
the siege site for my last look until next morning, and eventually
headed home, enjoying myself to the fullest! I highly recommend
anyone who wishes to go you will not regret it!