to Joe Online's feedback page! Please feel free to leave any comments,
critzim, or just any old yarn! The comments you see below that are
written in navy blue (or purple
depending on your monitor)
are made by yours truly.
Previous feedbacks

Anton Wick
Ann Fuller |
ann.fuller@aventis.com | 01.03.2003
Hi Mike, I'm so excited I can hardly type. Just found your website by
typing "Anton+Wick" into Google - just found Google too. I was
absolutely astounded to read "How does being related to Anton Wick
affect your family ...". Gob smacked I was, as I am related to Anton
Wick also. My grandfather was Herbert Reginald Wicks, who was the son
of William Frederick Wicks, married to Anne Murray. My grandfather was
born at "Sebastopol" on the 25th July 1897 and was one of 12 children.
I guess I am also related to Allison O'Sullivan. Can I ask how long
ago your interview was conducted? Is there some way that I may get in
touch with this lady, this great-aunt(?) of mine? Your advice would be
most appreciated. Kind regards, Ann Fuller, Dee Why, NSW.
- Joe Online connects an unknown family tie! Hooray! -
joe byrne
calvin foster |
cal_90.com@msn | 01.03.2003
I am 13 years of age and have been interested in The Kelly gang since
i was 6.I have many books on the kelly gang including The inner
history of the kelly gang byJ.J Kenneally,Ned Kelly a short life(what
i call the ned kelly bible)by ian jones and The fatal friendship which
i have just brought and am currently reading also by ian jones.I have
learn't 95% of my facts from his books so i would like to thank ian
for that,i would also congratulate you on a great web site.thank you
and bye - Thanks a lot! Fatal Friendship's the
best! -
Good Webpage!
Jason Kerrigan |
j.kerrigan@hotmail.com | 4.02.2003
What a beuty this webpage is, Thanks for making it!
- Thanks! -
orlando bloom
christine |
DaleJr8320@hotmail.com | 4.02.2003
I love this website it tells everything about anything and it tells
the character of the true, amazing,hott,very intelligent, good actor
Orlando Bloom A.K.A orli! Tell orlando Bloom i love him!
- Ok then, but I don't know how I will see him! -
Lisa | email not given |
Dear Mike,Just a note to say thankyou for your lovely response to my letter.It is wonderful to know you go to Joe's.Thanks again for this
terrific website.Yours Sincerely,Lisa - Thanks
again Lisa, If you want, you could give me your email address; I would
love to chat about "the boys" just give me a call on 0401 274 730 -
Ned and Joe
Mark Perry |
tbird4@iprimus.com.au | 12.01.2003
Hi Mike. The site is looking great! You are to be commended. Glad you
are the first to showcase the revamped cover of Ian Jones "Friendship"
as well. In my opinion, the original, published in 1992, is one of the
best books on the Kelly saga out there! Looking forward to seeing new
version of Ians "A Short Life" in March as well. It appears this year
of NED has got off to a flying start. Hope I can make it over to see
the "Iron Helmets and Smoking Guns" film festival. If not, I will
certainly be there for opening of new exhibition! I have
also recently read a review of the rough cut of Heath Ledger film
which doesn't inspire confidence...Fingers crossed...Looks like the
Kelly Legend is alive and well!!! Keep up the GROUSE (to use a
Victorian word..) work...Regards MARK PERRY-ADELAIDE
- Thanks mate, folks, the year of the boys is
about to erupt! - Mike.
Joe Byrne
Lisa | email not given |
Dear Mike, Hi,my name is Lisa and I am a fellow obsessed Kelly gang
person,I have been ever since I was 14.I have also always thought the
world of Joe and just wanted to write and say how fantastic your site
is! I wrote to you a while ago via your other Kelly Gang site and it
was great to see the letter here at Joe online.Thanks.I also just
wanted to say that it was lovely to see the photo of Joe's grave on
here,also because I could see my flowers in the photo.They are the
purple statis in the painted jar,and the artificial flowers at the
back of Joe's gravestone,the yellow and blue,and the blue flowers
which are the newest.When we first visited Kelly Country,which was
over 10 years ago,we would put flowers there for Joe at the tree.A few
years ago we found out that they were going to put a gravestone there
for Joe.We went to the rededication which was in 1996,on the
anniversary of Joe's burial 29th June.We live in Sydney and it rained
all the way from there to Benalla,but when we got to Joe's it
stopped.It was a terrific day,but also pretty sad.In 1998 we went to
Benalla to see Joe's armour which was displayed at the pioneer museum.I couldn't believe that his armour was not in a case or anything,and I couldn't resist the chance to touch Joe's armour.Which
I did carefully.I have always really strongly admired and loved
Ned,Joe,Steve and Dan equally,though especially Ned.Whenever we go to
Kelly country I always put statis flowers there for the boys because
they are really pretty and last a long time.Whenever our artificial
flowers at Joe's begin to get old we put them near the tree.Last time
I took away the older flowers near the tree that we had put there over
the years as they started to look messy.I used to put pretty
artificial flowers for Dan and Steve at Greta,but they were rudely
mowed over by whoever the groundskeeper is there.We just put the
statis flowers there for them with extra ones for Ned,like at
Joe's.When I go to Old Melbourne Gaol I put them there as well.It is a
beautiful place at the Woolshed isn't it. - you
got that right, Lisa! I especially like the creek near the
Byrne home.It is easy to picture Joe there.We have been lucky enough
to see all the boys armour over the years at exhibitions,all four
together and all four separate.It is just incredible how they made
them.To actually be in places where the boys were is just
unbelievable.I hadn't realised I had written so much,I hope that is
alright.I just want to say again how great this website is,it is one
of my favourites.And in the words of my favourite poet Joe
Byrne......'Long may they reign,The Kelly's,Byrne and Hart'.Best
Wishes,from,Lisa - I had always honestly
wondered who placed those lovely flowers there! I think it's just you
and me who lay them, there should be more people, shouldn't there?
maybe we will meet at Joe's grave, I go there every Sunday night. This
is the longest, and probably best feedback I have ever received,
thanks Lisa - Mike.
The Friendship
is back!
Matt |
| 10.01.2003
G'day Mike, We thought that you and your regulars would
like to see the fantastic new cover for Ian Jones's book, 'The Fatal
Friendship'. The book was originally published back in 1992 as 'The
Friendship That Destroyed Ned Kelly'. It has since become a much
sought after collector's item. As you would know, an original edition
is now very hard to find! 'The Fatal Friendship' tells the amazing and
tragic story of Aaron Sherritt and Joe Byrne with amazing clarity and
detail. Those of you who enjoyed Ian's book, 'Ned Kelly: A Short Life'
will be bowled over by 'The Fatal Friendship'. An absolute must read
for anyone interested in Kelly history. The exciting new edition, with
revised text and fascinating new illustrations, will be released at
the end of January 2003. All the best, Matt Shore and Brendan Pearse
'The Legend Of Ned Kelly - The Beacon, Southgate'
- I can't wait!! Surfers of Joe Online, you are
the first to see it! -
Previous feedbacks