most ultimate book, on Joe, there is no substitute, this book
is a must for anyone researching Joe, Mr Jones, goes into
depth behind the reins of Joseph Byrne, and also, as the title
describes The Friendship that destroyed Ned Kelly |
But, which book
do I choose? which is best? Which is most accurate? Joe Online
now, gives you the helping hand! Every book below has been cut
out into three sections, Non-Fiction, Fiction
Also, as a guide,
we have placed a rating, of a possible five Joe helmet's, if the
book receives five Joe Helmet's, it's gospel, if it receives one
helmet, it's more than likely a shocker! Enjoy.
The most ultimate book, on Joe, there is no substitute, this
book is a must for anyone researching Joe, Mr Jones, goes
into depth behind the reins of Joseph Byrne, and also, as
the title describes 'The Friendship that destroyed Ned
Kelly' The Friendship is about to be re-released,
under the new title of
Fatal Friendship
. The pictures,
write-ups, interviews, are all jammed packed inside this fantastic
book. If you wish to possibly find a copy, your best hopes
check them out and do a search for 'The Friendship that
destroyed Ned Kelly' you may have some luck! Happy

Tracking down
the bushrangers, is a fantastic book it is so good you can't
keep your head out of it! The book has a huge Kelly section
with notes and a brief and surprisingly correct history of the
gang, when I first picked it up, I was a bit worried, but it
was great.
It includes how-to-get there sites that you can see today,
from Euroa to Stringybark, and even the still-standing police
stables at Jerilderie, where the gang tethered their horses.
The book like all others, is now out of print, but again the
second hand booksellers are a gold mine, especially NOT in the
Kelly Country, because people of other area's show no
interest, nor do they get Kelly-hungry tourists, so the Kelly
books go cheap.

Review in progress >
An excellent
insight to the Kelly outbreak, McQuilton has produced a
Fantastic book with notes, write ups a small interesting
facts. Quite hard to find nowadays however, you you can still
pick one up at second hand booksellers. The Kelly Outbreak is
a fantastic read and well worth any cost of under fifty

book is excellent! It covers 100 Australian bushrangers from
1799-1901, in this it has a huge page on Joe, which I, personally
use for reference to Joe's prison record; It is the best an
most clearest scan I have ever seen! It also includes
Aaron Sherritt, Wild Wright and Steve Hart just to name a
few. Just get out there and buy this fantastic book!

book is another great one! it gives a drawing insight which
is new and fresh! It includes Joe's wonderful and most beautiful
spot in the whole world, the infamous Woolshed Valley, which
Joe loved so much. Also included,
is Glenrowan, Beechworth and every where in between, this
book is also a must get on your Joe list!....

book is the original of them all! It was written all the way
back in 1929, and has sold in excess, even though the mistakes
in the book can be excused due to it's age. There has been
many different publication covers, including one very eccentric
cover, with a farmer on the cover, personally I don't
know why he is there, but I am sure it has some reason. All
summed up, for it's age the book is quite good, interviews, are
many, and are quite good.
