magazine, is the greatest! They don't get much better than this one.
It explains, the making, creating and setting for this ultimate, book.
With the best pictures I have ever seen, the magazine matches the
fantastic film” |
But, which book
do I choose? which is best? Which is most accurate? Joe Online
now, gives you the helping hand! Every book below has been cut
out into three sections,
Non-Fiction, Fiction
and Magazine.
Also, as a guide,
we have placed a rating, of a possible five Joe helmet's, if the
book receives five Joe Helmet's, it's gospel, if it receives one
helmet, it's more than likely a shocker! Enjoy.
This magazine, is the greatest!
They don't get much better than this one. It explains, the
making, creating and setting for this ultimate, film. With the
best pictures I have ever seen, the magazine matches the
fantastic film, The Last Outlaw, Stephen Bisley, played a very
realistic, Joe, but don't expect to pick this one up well
basically anywhere, if you have a shot at picking one up, take
it, at whatever price!
This magazine, has been around.
And it's Joe content is fantastic. It goes from Woolshed to
Glenrowan, Benalla to Euroa, Jerilderie to Stringybark creek and
everywhere in between. A fantastic book and well worth the
pick-up, I only paid 10 dollars.

most notorious outlaws in story and pictures' Is on the title
cover of this fantastic magazine. It's content is great, with
sketches of Joe's weapons, armour and important dates and
timelines. Unfortunately this magazine is quite rare, and I was
lucky enough to pick it up, I paid 20 dollars, and I don't
regret one cent of the 20! it's that good.

models to make, is a very entertaining, but the educational side
lacks a bit. As before many names, dates, people and places are
incorrect, they are only very minor mistakes can be quickly
excused. The models to be made are absolutely fantastic. Derek
Brown, has made a fantastic set of drawings, based upon the 1880
Mr. T. Carrington sketches. You can make a replica Glenrowan
Inn, including the sign! Children can reenact the siege of
Glenrowan. Don't get me wrong, I made the models!
days; a great little oldie from 1944, seems to be a little
pocket book/magazine. On my front cover someone has written: |
"Jack Stewart
of Wangaratta 90 years of age 50 and over at siege of
Glenrowan" |
All in all, a
good little read, but don't expect to pick it up at 2', I paid
16 dollars, but I have seen it for over a Hundred!... |
This one is a bad one; the very
small Kelly gang section of it is historically VERY incorrect,
it mentions nothing of the events of Euroa or Jerilderie, the
only thing the Kelly gang section of the book has going for it
is it's drawings; the are exceptional. I never knew Mrs. Kelly
went to prison for six years?...

This wicked one came from Cadbury
chocolate block, and it is a disgrace, dates, names are all
wrong, people and places are also incorrect, buy this one for
the chocolate folks! I will give half for the illustrations.