Welcome to the
tourism section of Joe Online, here I will point you in the right
direction, of the sites where Joe, and or the gang, trotted along,
lived upon or simply robbed upon. Even knowing Joe departed this
world over 120 years ago, his memories, like his legend, live on,
and continue to grow stronger each and every day. Read on to
discover the sites, you will not regret!
Woolshed, home of Joe Byrne and Aaron Sherritt, this magnificent
spot in the world, loved so much by Joe and Aaron, was, although
hard to
believe it may seem, a huge bustling town of over 4,000 residents.
picture to your right, is the site of Aaron's death hut, Aaron was
shot dead here by Joe Byrne, the small tree, marks the back door,
of Aaron's hut.
route to this site is very easy to find, head out of Beechworth, towards the cemetery end of town, you will drive past the route
to the Woolshed valley turn left here, keep
on going, until you come to a left - right intersection, turn right
here, keep on going, you are now only about three hundred meters
from the hut, remember you might think you are beating around the
bush, you are going the right way.
thing you will notice is the Lilly's planted by Belle Barry, Aaron's
15 - year old wife, there is plenty of them, so you will notice
information phone Mike: 0401 274 730
site is on private property, so unfortunately I cannot give you
directions, but, this site and personally, is my favourite, is the
most spectacular, of
the Kelly gang sites, it still mesmerizes me how little - known
about Joe Byrne is, this land, is never walked on, besides the owners
of the property, who, I must say, are great people, they are never
bugged about people asking about going on the property, simply,
because, no - one really is interested in Joe, this is the prime
reason I am setting up a website, about Joe.
picture on the right, is Mike, the webmaster, standing on the remarkable
site , in which are the remains of Byrne stables. The remains, are
more than likely old bricks of granite, which have rotted away over
the years.
this site isn't really in the Byrne Country, but, Joe was here on
Saturday October 26th 1878, when three policemen, Lonigan, Scanlon
& Kennedy were shot dead by Joe and the gang.
points to that Joe shot Constable Scanlon after he was blown from
his horse by Ned, which means, if this evidence is correct, our
history books need to be re - written! Mc Intrye, the only Police
survivor of the Stringybark creek shoot - out, he must have assumed
Ned shot Scanlon, but as Ian Jones Clearly points out in "
Ned Kelly: A Short Life " Ian states:
was 30 yards away, Steve was 40 yards away with Ned Kennedy and Mc
Intrye between him and Scanlon; Dan had just been wounded; Joe was
no more than 12 or 14 yards away to Scanlon's right. He probably
fired the fatal shot straight into the wounded troopers exposed
right side as he raised his arm to try and un - sling the Spencer”
site of the Stringybark creek shoot - out, today, is very hard to
find, but the tourist spot ' The Kelly Tree ' is very easy to find.
Of course the ' Kelly Tree ' is not in the correct position.
more Information phone Mike: 0401 274 730
shoot - out site at Glenrowan, is clearly mapped out for the thousands
of tourists who flock to Glenrowan each year. The siege site, which
ended in the deaths of the two youngest members of the gang, and
also Joe, who was the first killed, during the siege.
who fell crying the immortal words:
“Here's to many
more days in the bush, for the Kelly Gang!”
then dropped, a bullet blow, to the groin splitting Femoral Artery,
and more than likely, the femoral nerve. James Reardon who lay,
close to Joe, accounted:
“I heard him drop like a log, and he never groaned or anything, and
I could hear like blood gushing”
bullets that hit Joe had blown there way all through the bar in
the Inn, a
bullet struck at an old Grand Father clock in the next room, it
began chiming like mad. Joe was dead.
day later Joe was seen strung up on the Benalla lock - up door (see our lock -
up section for more), to be photo graphed, this sickly
spectacle, just proves how desperate the authorities were to capture
these four brave men.
site of the Siege is the utter easiest to be found; walking over
the overpass in main street Glenrowan, you are confronted by the
replica Ann Joe's Inn, and the replica railway station. Also the
place or area I should say where Ned Kelly was captured. The webmaster,
has nick - named the bushy tree, in the Centrex of the Ann Jones
Inn allotment, as “Joe's second tree” because it is where I personally
believe Joe was laying in this area.
this spot is self - guided, everything is very clearly mapped out.
was described in The Australian Handbook, 1903, as -
At the foot of the Warby Ranges at Taminick, Bailey's and Booth's
vineyards were established before the turn of the century, along
with some fruit orchards. Bailey's became renowned for fortified
wines, particularly muscat, and Booths for high-baume red table

Glenrowan is situated between forested ranges - Warby Ranges and
Mt. Glenrowan to the north and a forested range to the south. The
road and railway line curve northwards between the ranges, and the
town's new settlement has followed the northwards curve. The new
settlement is Hamilton Park, and contains several water storages.
The original township near the railway station has the school, two
churches, a recreation reserve and shops with the tourist attractions.
Glenrowan's census populations have been:
(1861), 125 (1891), 320
(1911) and 200 (1981).
more information phone Mike: 0401 274 730

Aaron's murder, Joe and Dan rode to Glenrowan to eventually being
destructed, and before 3 pm Monday June 28th, Dan, Joe and Steve
were dead. Ned was captured and taken to Melbourne, and eventually
hung on the 11th of November at 10am.
day dead body of Joe was hung on the Benalla lock - up police station
door to be photographed, (Check out our "
" section for more) Then on Tuesday June 29th Joe was
thrown in a hessian bag, and buried in an un-marked grave in Benalla
was being buried around the time of his life long mate, Aaron
Sherritt, when Aaron was buried in the Beechworth Cemetery, in
an unmarked grave also. Aaron's father, John Sherritt, was buried
next to his beloved son Aaron, and John, also wanted to be buried
in an unmarked grave to be with Aaron.
ended up in the Melbourne gaol yard, after his execution was wheeled
across, on a trolley, to the gaol's dead house, and was literally
hacked to bits, removing most of his vital organs. His body was
then ' dug up ' in 1929 during the destruction of the gaol walls,
his carcass was then moved to Pentridge prison.
two youngest members of the gang, Dan and Steve, where buried in
the Greta Cemetery, by family and close friends, they were the only
two of the four gang members to receive proper burial.-
in 1858 at a cost of 3,740 pound. Closed in 1989 after 131 years
of continual service. Joe appeared here on two occasions.

The original furniture fittings are still in the building, including
the prisoners dock and cells. The
court house contains a sounds cape of trial proceedings from actual
19th century cases. Story boards and radio recordings offer an insight
into the court and it's people
94 Ford street Beechworth
(03) 5728 2721 Fax
(03) 5728 2767